Just choose your home-team and away-team.
Then click on the predict-button.
You will get: intelligent score prediction , the Odds, probability percentages, over/under, team-forms and more.
On Covered Matches you click on your match, or the country flag, taking you to the corresponding league.
You can also click to see: Decimal, Fractional, Asian odds or probability percentages.
The odds are mathematically calculated but will also depend on the number of players and their chosen odds. In our score predictions we use our own odds calculation.
On Latest-Team-Form you see the last performances in percentages.
On Odds-Analyzer you see how much the bookmaker wins on your bet and more.
Totomaster gives an automatic indication of the results of Team-Form predictions ( last 30 matches, shown by league ).

Totomaster is Unique because it is the only website where you can choose the 2 competing teams yourself, proofing to be a real prediction machine, and no fake!

Thanks for coming and you are most welcome at any time.